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Environmental Impact

Is it possible to wash vehicles using chemical-free solutions?
Never! Water is a chemical. All living things (including you!) are made of chemicals. We proudly feature Blue Coral® Beyond Green products in our wash that minimize the impact on our environment.

Can car wash products that are safer on the environment still clean a vehicle really well?
Absolutely! Car wash products don’t have to be harmful on the environment to e-ectively clean vehicles. In fact, Blue Coral® Beyond Green products used in our car wash deliver powerfully clean, well-protected, shiny vehicles. And importantly, they’re easy on the environment.

Is washing my car at a commercial car wash better on the environment?
Definitely! In commercial car washes, chemicals are filtered and sent to a water treatment center for cleaning. Conversely, a driveway car wash sends untreated waste water (including soap, oil and sludge) directly into the environment via storm sewers that lead into our rivers, lakes and streams. And a driveway wash uses up to 3 times more water than washing at a commercial car wash!

What does it mean to be sustainable?
Products, processes or developments that are sustainable means they meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. From the factory to the final rinse, the Blue Coral® Beyond Green products used in our car wash support our commitment to respect the environment every step of the way.

18001 Georgia Avenue ● Olney, MD 20832 ● 301-924-4500

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